6 Dec 2017

what is difference between ArrayList and Vector ?

Every Method Present Inside ArrayList is Non – Synchronized.
Every Method Present in Vector is Synchronized.
At a Time Multiple Threads are allow to Operate on ArrayList Simultaneously and Hence ArrayList Object is Not Thread Safe.
At a Time Only One Thread is allow to Operate on Vector Object and Hence Vector Object is Always Thread Safe.
Relatively Performance is High because Threads are Not required to Wait.
Relatively Performance is Low because Threads are required to Wait.
Introduced in 1.2 Version and it is Non –Legacy.
Introduced in 1.0 Version and it is Legacy.
ArrayList only supports Iterator.
Vector supports Iterator as well as Enumerator.
ArrayList increases its size 50% which is (3/2+1) of its initial capacity.
Vector increases its size 100% of its initial capacity.